Welcome! This is a webpage about little girl Diana!
Diana was born on August 22, 2008 in Moscow. Born at 32 weeks. Premature rapid delivery, physician negligence, entanglement of umbilical cord, hypoxia - the reasons are many, and finally birth trauma: a brain hemorrhage, pneumonia, and two months in intensive care at the immunoglobulin and artificial respiration. Pediatricians long time drove developmental delay in premature birth, not noticing the obvious signs, but as time went on. And one year old was diagnosed with: cerebral palsy, spastic tetraparesis, hearing loss, psycho-motor developmental delay, the Epi activity.
When confronted with this problem, I did not immediately realize it. I, Diana's mother, was asking myself questions "what for? what should we do? how to go on living? ", but then I realized that there are only two ways: either the fall spirit, or to fight and win! And we will win! Dianka is a very promising little girl with the potential to get well! A cheerful and charming girl! She loves listening to music, and view the colorful books. Loves to swim. Loves kids, is drawn to him, and wants to run with them on the playground, play games and be like everyone else, and enjoy life! And I, mom, this would very much like and I know, so it will be! If something is desired very strongly, then the whole universe will help!
We went through rehabilitation courses in many hospitals, the selection of treatment for cerebral palsy - a very individual. Several times treated in Moscow in the 18th child psycho-neurological hospital, went to the courses in Novozybkov for Vojta therapy, were receiving massage. In the spring of 2010, we completed a course of rehabilitation in the Nové Lázně in Czech Republic. Baile a positive impact on the general state, decrease the tonic reflexes, relax the muscles. There's a lot of water treatments on the basis of thermal springs, underwater gymnastics, hydro-massage. In addition to water treatment, there were many more. Massage, verticalization. Gymnastics for Bobath recovers lost reflexes, and the lessons ergotherapy improved fine motor skills, and become very Dianka hold objects, and play with toys. After a course in Teplice daughter started trying to sit down, it's better to keep your head back and strengthened, improved attention and Dianka began to recognize loved ones, to distinguish between favorite toys.
We are constantly doing our best, every day at home with Diana, we are doing gymnastics, massage, ride a special bicycle-trainer, swim, vertikalizuemsya, doing exercises for the development of motor skills, exercises on the ball and many many things that helps us in our difficult struggle. All of our efforts to give good results, but the basic treatment should still be in special rehabilitation centers.
There are many effective methods, and, behold, those that Diana needs to do:
- Rehabilitation with costume TheraSuit Rehabilitation using costume "Adele" (used in Polish Centre Euromed Rehabilitation Center in Adelie in Slovakia).
- Training on the system of conductive education at the Institute of conductive pedagogy Pete in Budapest.
- Dolphin Therapy
- Hippotherapy
Rehabilitation is very expensive. Please, help us raise funds for it. Annually is needed 3-4 courses, and we are very hard to master it yourself. And Diana is keen to run on the track by herself!
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